A downloadable book

A free digital zine dedicated to our favorite duo of Tankmen, John Captain and Steve’s, and their relationship as “sexually ambiguous platonic best friends”.  


- 38 artists

- 3 writers

- 2 animators

- 1 baker

The zine is mostly SFW but there are  few pieces with blood, war stuff, and gore so stay safe.

Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
(7 total ratings)
AuthorCapSteve Zine


CapSteve Zine.rar 116 MB

Install instructions

To Download:

  • Select the Download Option on the screen below.
  • Choose the file you wish to download the zipped folder into.
  • Select Save.
  • Once the file is done loading, you may begin installing.

To Install:

  • Find the zipped folder in the file destination you selected above. 
  • Using your mouse, right-click on the folder to bring up the menu.
  • Select 'extract all' to remove the products from the zipped folder.
  • Choose a file destination and select Extract.
  • Repeat the process for all zipped files until extraction is complete.

Enjoy! —The Capsteve Zine Mod Team


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omg ninjamuffin rated!121212ojwfjsdjf sdoaf skdfjl ksdf i cant believew

will only download as a rar file, not a zipped folder

how do I open?

You must have RAR to unzip the files. RAR is free to download on its official page 


This fanzine is absolutely, totally platonic the whole time. Amazing work on it everyone!


Literally slay

